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Henan Mine|2023 Safety Production Month Fire Safety Training and Emergency Escape Drill

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-26      Origin: Site

Henan Mine|2023 Safety Production Month Fire Safety Training and Emergency Escape Drill

In order to implement the "Notice on the 2023 Action Plan for the Special Investigation and Remediation of Major Accidents in Changyuan City" and the company's "zero safety accident" goal requirements, to achieve "everyone pays attention to safety, everyone will respond to emergencies", The 2023 Henan Mine Safety Production Month fire safety training and emergency escape drills were held at the company's headquarters and smart industrial park. Specially invited Lu Nan, a fire expert from Henan Fire Protection Association, to give a lecture. The person in charge of each department of the company, the person in charge of the workshop team and the safety officer attended the meeting.

henan mine crane

The training site of the company headquarters

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The training site of the company's intelligent industrial park

Fire knowledge safety training

Combining a large number of typical cases, Lu Nan interpreted the "Implementation Measures for the Fire Safety Responsibility System", explained the specific requirements of the safety production regulations for enterprises and the statutory requirements for the person in charge of the enterprise, etc.

Give everyone a lot of inspiration and education, and enhance the company's employees' awareness of safety production.

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Emergency escape drill at the company headquarters

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Emergency escape drill in the company's smart industrial park

Emergency escape drill

Through emergency escape drills, the company will comprehensively strengthen fire safety education, enhance the fire awareness of all employees, improve response measures, improve prevention capabilities, and provide a strong guarantee for safe production.

In order to further solidly carry out the series of safety production month activities, according to the deployment requirements of governments at all levels for safety production work, the company established a leading group and arranged and deployed the "2023 Safety Production Month Activities" in advance. Combined with the company's actual situation, the "Safety Production Month Activity Plan" was formulated, specific measures were detailed, and an oath ceremony was held. Through in-depth activities such as safety laws and regulations and safety knowledge training and publicity, broadcasting of safety warning accident cases, investigation and rectification of safety hazards, etc., employees' safety prevention skills and awareness have been improved, and a safety production atmosphere has been comprehensively created.

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 Tel: +86-373-8820393     Add: Changnao Industrial District, Changhuan County, Henan
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