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Walking Together on The Great Road, Win Win Cooperation | Henan Mine Joins Hands with MCC CCID To Create A New Chapter

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Walking Together on The Great Road, Win Win Cooperation | Henan Mine Joins Hands with MCC CCID To Create A New Chapter

Let's work together on the same path and create a new chapter of win-win cooperation. On May 9th, Cui Peijun, the founder and party secretary of the company, was invited to attend the 2024 MCC CCID Group Supplier Conference and gave a speech as an outstanding partner representative.


Speech by Secretary Cui Peijun

Secretary Cui Peijun stated that MCC CCID Group is an excellent enterprise with significant influence, great achievements, great respect, and worth learning from both domestically and internationally. In the long-term friendly cooperation, both sides have established a deep friendship. In the future, we hope to firmly establish ourselves in the industry, work together, maintain our leading position in the industry, and create new brilliance.

henan mine crane 

henan mine crane

Grasp the hand of "mineral source" and you will always be a friend. Henan Mine will adhere to customer needs, adhere to the guidance of high-quality intelligent manufacturing, continuously provide cost-effective products and perfect services, cooperate for mutual benefit, and work together for high-quality development.

henan mine crane

Secretary Cui Peijun (13 from the right of the first row in the picture), Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of MCC CCID Group Xiao Xuewen (14 from the right of the first row in the picture), Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of MCC CCID Group Xiao Peng (12 from the right of the first row in the picture), and Chairman of Shenzhen Huichuan Technology Co., Ltd. Zhu Xingming (15 from the right of the first row in the picture) took a group photo as a souvenir.

henan mine crane 

henan mine crane 

henan mine crane 

henan mine crane 

henan mine crane

The company's various types of high-quality cranes are applied to key projects of MCC CCID Group.

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 Tel: +86-373-8820393     Add: Changnao Industrial District, Changhuan County, Henan
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