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Henan Kuangshan obtained the“Informatization and industrialization integration management system assessment certificate.

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-01-17      Origin: Site

Recently, Henan Kuangshan successfully passed the informatization and industrialization integration management system evaluation, and obtained the “Informatization and Industrialization Integration Management System Evaluation Certificate” issued by the China Electronics Technology Standardization Research Institute authorized by the Ministry of Industryand Information Technology. Henan Kuangshan have made new breakthroughs in promoting the in-depth integration of informationization and industrialization.

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In August 2013, in order to further implement the “2006-2020 National Informatization Development Strategy”, “Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Plan (2011-2015)” and “Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Information Development and Effectively Protecting Information Security” To refine and implement the "Several Opinions on Accelerating the In-depth Integration of Informatization and Industrialization", and actively respond to a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Special Action Plan for Deep Integration of Informatization and Industrialization (2013-2018)". The objectives and contents of the Informatization and Industrialization integration management system and standard system construction are proposed. In August 2018, Henan Kuangshan was identified as one of the national two-integration pilot enterprises.

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The work of the standardization work, combined with the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Henan Provincial Economic and Information Committee, has established a two-in-one integration management mechanism from the four management areas of management responsibility, basic guarantee, implementation process and evaluation improvement, and realized the process management and overall Optimization of the integration of the two technologies, covering the interactive innovation and continuous optimization of the four basic elements of data, technology, business processes and organizations, has laid a solid foundation for supporting the company's strategy to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The on-site audit of the China Electronics Technology Standardization Research Institute and the expert review of the two-integration and integration assessment working committee all fully affirmed the company's compliance work, and finally passed the assessment and audit, and issued a certificate of evaluation for the company.

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In recent years, Henan Kuangshan has attached great importance to the promotion and development of the integration management activities of the two industries. Under the guidance of the relevant policies of “Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus”, the company will further expand the industry 4.0 equipment field. The system certification is an opportunity to continuously strengthen the new capabilities in the information-matching environment that matches the strategy, and quickly promote the integration process of the two technologies, and contribute to the company's "informatization +" and realize the dream of strong enterprises.

"Two-oriented" refers to "informatization" and "industrialization". The "two-in-one integration" is led by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and is a certification mark for the deep integration of industrialization and informationization. The implementation of the two-in-one integration management system is one of the important measures to promote the simultaneous development of "Made in China 2025".

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